Did you know that the rate of manual handling injuries is 58.9% in healthcare compared to 43.9% across all other industries (WorkSafe Victoria 2007)?
Workplace injuries are common in healthcare, and there are many occupational health and safety risks inherently associated with working in the health sector.
This article will look at how you can reduce the risk of injury when performing manual handling tasks.
Note: the intention of this article is to provide an overview of manual handling. However, further reading is essential. Refer to the resources listed at the end of the article for more information. It is crucial that you receive appropriate, practical manual handling training and supervision from your facility. You must also follow workplace policies and procedures and be familiar with relevant state/federal legislation.
What is Manual Handling?
Manual handling includes any activity carried out in the workplace that requires the use of force. It encompasses acts such as:
(SafeWork NSW 2023)
What are Hazardous Manual Handling Tasks?
Hazardous manual handling tasks are those that involve one or more of the following:
Repetitive movements
Sustained or repetitive force
High or sudden force
Awkward or sustained posture
Exposure to vibration
(SafeWork NSW 2023)
Manual Handling Risks in Healthcare
Manual handling can result in significant or irreversible injuries, particularly musculoskeletal injuries, which may include:
Soft tissue injuries e.g. hernias
Nerve damage or compression e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome
Back and neck injuries
Bone and joint injuries to hands, feet, shoulder, wrist, hip, knee, ankle etc.
Ligament and tendon damage
Muscle sprains and strains
Muscular and vascular disorders
Chronic pain
Acute pain
(Safe Work Australia 2018, 2023)
Factors related to manual handling tasks that increase the risk of injury include:
Fatigue (both physical and mental)
Loads that are unstable, unbalanced, or awkward to grasp and move
Inadequate staff training
Low staffing levels
Handling people or animals
(Safe Work Australia 2018; WorkSafe Victoria 2023)
Manual Handling Under the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards
Standard 2: The Organisation - Outcome 2.2: Quality and safety culture (Action 2.2.2) of the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards requires an aged care organisation’s governing body to prioritise their staff's safety, health, and wellbeing - naturally, this includes manual handling safety (ACQSC 2024).
Additionally, Outcome 2.4: Risk management (Action 2.4.1) states that providers must implement a risk management system to recognise, document, address, and monitor risks to their staff (ACQSC 2024).
Abide by these four steps to effectively manage hazards associated with manual handling tasks:
1. Identify hazards
Inspect the workplace
List the hazards you find
Talk to other workers
Review information about workplace injuries and incidents.
2. Assess the risk(s)
Identify the following in relation to the task:
Its weight
The movements involved
The duration of the task
Whether the task requires high or sudden force
Whether the task involves vibration.
3. Control the risk(s)
Using the hierarchy of controls, apply the following methods of hazard prevention in order of highest protection to lowest protection:
Administrative actions
Personal protective equipment.
4. Review risk controls
Implemented control measures should be reviewed and, if necessary, revised.
(WorkSafe.qld.gov.au 2020)
Methods to Prevent Injury During Manual Handling
If possible, lighten loads by breaking them into smaller quantities
Warm up before performing manual handling tasks
Take breaks
Allow time to get used to a new task
Explore ways to minimise lifting heavy items
Reduce or avoid bending, twisting, reaching movements
Move your feet rather than twisting your back
Give specific muscles a break by changing tasks during long shifts
Avoid rushing tasks
Use the appropriate equipment and assistive devices correctly, and use mechanical aids when possible
Do not use poorly maintained equipment or equipment you have not been trained for
Do not be afraid to ask for help and use teamwork
Watch out for and support peers to care for themselves in the workplace
Attend and advocate for regular training on manual handling
Abide by workplace manual handling policies and guidelines
Abide by the principles of proper body alignment and body mechanics
Learn how to recognise activities that have the potential for injury and act to reduce the risk
Avoid performing high-risk activities
(WorkSafe 2017; de-Vitry Smith 2021; vic.gov.au 2024)
Always question outdated procedures and practices, and don’t be afraid to speak up if you perceive a risk to you or your coworkers.
Abide by the principles of proper body alignment and body mechanics.
Review Relevant State/Federal Legislation
You should be familiar with (and thus refer to) relevant state/federal legislation that stipulates the roles of both employers and employees.
All workplaces should have policies and procedures on manual handling and hazard, incident and injury reporting. The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 applies to employees and employers. Under the work health and safety legislation, breaches of duty could result in penalties.
Disclaimer: This article is to be used in conjunction with your organisation’s policies and procedures regarding manual handling. This article does not replace the theory of mandatory training regarding manual handling from your organisation. Appropriate theoretical and practical training in manual handling in your workplace should be provided by your employer.
Test Your Knowledge
Question 1 of 3
True or false: Handling a person is a factor that may increase the risk of injury in the workplace.