This Ausmed Course provides a best-practice, step-by-step guide to conducting a chest pain assessment: from question-taking strategies, all the way through to treatment options for common differential diagnoses. The content of this course is geared towards audiences working in prehospital and emergency department settings.
Explain the critical role of chest pain assessments in practice.
Differentiate between the various types of chest pain and their indicated causes.
Understand how to conduct a safe, efficient and thorough chest pain assessment.
Identify and understand key presentations of chest pain and their degree of urgency.
Confidently apply best-practice management strategies in events of either cardiac or non-cardiac chest pain.
This Ausmed Course is intended for paramedics, nurses and those looking to increase or update their knowledge about the assessment of a patient presenting with chest pain.
Every year, over 500,000 people present to emergency departments in Australia with signs and symptoms indicative of a possible heart attack. Though over 80% of these people presenting with chest pain are ultimately not experiencing acute coronary syndromes (ACS), a thorough chest pain assessment is necessary in all of these cases.
With this in mind, education providing an up-to-date and optimised approach to conducting chest pain assessments is essential in order to combat the considerable time and resources these assessments take within our already strained healthcare system.
The purpose of this Ausmed Course is to update learners’ knowledge of best-practice care of a person experiencing chest pain, help learners recognise the difference between chest pain of a cardiac nature and of other causes, and inform learners of current best-practice management options for the different origins of chest pain.
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