Comprehensive Health Assessment of the Older Adult

1h 20m
Updated 20 Jun 2022 Certificate ANCC Accredited

This Ausmed Course will provide registered nurses and other healthcare professionals with a detailed explanation of why and how a comprehensive health assessment (CHA) of an older adult is undertaken.

What you'll learn:


Use your increased knowledge to conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify older adults who would benefit from an assessment.


Identify critical components of a comprehensive assessment to ensure older adults in your care are holistically assessed.


Act on issues identified during a comprehensive assessment to ensure that effective interventions are put in place.

Who it's for:

This Ausmed Course is relevant to all registered nurses and other healthcare professionals working with older adults in both the inpatient setting and the community.

Why it's needed:

Older people in all care settings have multiple health issues and are at higher risk of adverse events. To manage these risks and provide effective care for older people, health professionals need to have sound comprehensive health assessment (CHA) skills coupled with objective evidence-based reasoning.

Evaluation of a training program for CHA of the older adult in Victoria, found only a small number of participants reported undertaking CHAs. This is not surprising given the lack of availability of training for developing and updating healthcare professionals’ skills.


The purpose of this Ausmed Course is to enhance existing knowledge and skills of registered nurses and other healthcare professionals to improve the comprehensive assessment of older adults.


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