AVPU Assessment



AVPU Assessment: A rapid assessment tool that is utilised in the healthcare field to measure conscious state is the AVPU scale. A stands for Alert: The client is aware of the environment and is opening their eyes spontaneously. V stands for Verbal: The client’s eyes do not open spontaneously, rather their eyes open in response to a verbal stimulus directed towards them. P stands for Pain: The client's eyes do not open spontaneously or to verbal stimuli, the patient will only respond to painful stimuli directed towards them. A pain stimulus includes touch and if still no response, the health professional can attempt other painful stimuli such as the trapezius squeeze. U stands for Unresponsive: The client is not responding spontaneously, or to verbal or painful stimuli (Romanelli & Farrell 2019).


CPD time1m
First Published21 November 2019
Updated21 November 2019
30 January 2026
Learning Tools
Cognitive Impairment
Clinical Assessment