Purpose: Patient safety and quality systems are in place within governance processes to allow organisations to advance the safety and the quality of patients’ care (ACSQHC 2019).
Policy v Procedure: What’s the Difference?
Policies and procedures are the first things an organisation should establish in order to operate effectively.
Procedures provide step-by-step instructions for routine tasks and allocate people to be responsible for certain tasks. They should also make it clear which steps should be taken in common scenarios and who should be reported to. A checklist may be involved (PowerDMS 2020a).
Policies include:
Employee entitlements and what they can expect from the organisation
What the organisation expects from its employees
What consumers and the community can expect from the organisation.
(PowerDMS 2020a)
Procedures provide step-by-step instructions for routine tasks. They should also allocate people to be responsible for certain tasks. Procedures should make it clear which steps should be taken in common scenarios and who should be reported to. A checklist may be involved (PowerDMS 2020a).
Procedures may include:
Handling complaints
Documentation and handling healthcare records
Managing patient aggression.
Policies and procedures are fundamental for consistency across an organisation, for both staff and consumers. They guide the organisation, influencing and determining all major decisions and actions, and reduce liability risks (PowerDMS 2020a).
Policies and procedures should be widely accessible and cover all activities carried out by the organisation. All policies should be laid out in the same format and should be written in common language that all staff members can comprehend (PowerDMS 2020b).
Policies and procedures are the first things an organisation should establish in order to operate effectively.
The Quality Systems planning process may involve steps such as:
Establishing a policy team or group
Identifying possible conflicts of interest
Engaging with stakeholders
Engaging with consumers
Engaging Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and diverse groups
Analysing purpose and context
Defining the scope of the policy or procedure
Altering, adapting or starting from scratch
(NHMRC 2019)
The implementation of a new policy should be followed by this process, at a minimum:
Distributing policies and having all employees sign them
Ensuring that staff are all trained on the new policy
Monitoring the compliance and effectiveness of policies
Establishing a policy review cycle.
(PowerDMS 2020b; NHMRC 2019)
Policies and Procedures in Healthcare
Policies and procedures are an incredibly important part of ensuring staff know how to care for patients and carry out tasks with confidence. Policies and procedures provide standardisation in everyday operational activities, which helps to foster consistency in practices, decrease mistakes, and keep both patients and staff safe (PowerDMS 2020b; RLDatix Marketing 2020).
The NSQHS Standards outline that a health service should manage risk in the following ways:
By reviewing the effectiveness of policies, procedures and protocols
By taking action to improve adherence to these systems
By reviewing compliance with legislation, regulation and jurisdictional compliance.
(ACSQHC 2021)
Policies and procedures are particularly crucial in healthcare, an industry that is very familiar with crises. Healthcare organisations endure a high rate of liability risks. When appropriate policies and procedures are in place, an incident is easier to navigate (PowerDMS 2020a).
This is because procedures outline the actions that an employee and manager should take when an incident occurs. Additionally, reviewing policies, procedures and incident reports may help those in leadership positions to identify what went wrong and prevent incidents from reoccurring (PowerDMS 2020a).
Policies and procedures are an incredibly important part of making sure staff know how to care for patients and how to carry out tasks with confidence.
Policy and Procedure Review
It cannot be overstated that policies and procedures must be constantly reviewed and updated. Healthcare standards and regulations are constantly fluctuating. At a minimum, these documents should be refreshed annually and each time a new law or regulation is put in place or updated (PowerDMS 2020b; RLDatix Marketing 2020).
Patient Involvement
In recent years, the notion of patient involvement in reviewing policies and procedures has gained traction. Both clinical and non-clinical committees should regularly review all policies and procedures (Armstrong & Bloom 2017).
Patient involvement is a relatively new concept and is yet to be embraced completely. This could be viewed as an opportunity wasted. Patient and public contributions to policy and procedure development can include:
Evaluation of guideline priorities
A re-focus towards holistic approaches to care
Broaching new topics
Identification of populations and outcomes
Suggestions as to whether findings are meaningful or relevant
Determining how or to what extent recommendations interact with patient values
Prompting the use of common language within these documents.
(Armstrong & Bloom 2017)
Both clinical and non-clinical committees should regularly review all policies and procedures.
Together, policies and procedures help ensure that a health service organisation's ethos and vision are communicated in tangible steps that lead to safe, high-quality healthcare.
Test Your Knowledge
Question 1 of 3
True or false: New policies should be signed by all staff.