Despite seeming like minor injuries, skin tears can be complex wounds with the potential to significantly affect a patient’s health and cause chronic discomfort (LeBlanc 2019).
Skin tears are often misdiagnosed and underreported, and in many cases are preventable (Wounds International 2018).
What are Skin Tears?
The International Skin Tear Advisory Panel defines a skin tear as:
‘A traumatic wound caused by mechanical forces, including removal of adhesives. Severity may vary by depth (not extending through the subcutaneous layer).’
(LeBlanc et al. as cited in ISTAP 2022)
Skin tears are acute, traumatic injuries caused by shearing, friction or blunt force wherein the layers of skin are separated. This may be a separation of the epidermis from the dermis (partial thickness) or separation of both the epidermis and dermis from underlying structures (full thickness) (Wounds International 2018).
Any part of the body can be affected by skin tears, but 70 to 80% of tears occur on the arms and hands (Wounds International 2018).
Skin tears most commonly affect those with fragile skin, particularly older adults (Wounds International 2018).
Why are Older Adults More Susceptible to Skin Tears?
The physiology of skin undergoes several changes with age, causing it to become more fragile and vulnerable to trauma:
The epidermis thins
The epidermal junction flattens
There is a loss of collagen, elastin and glycosaminoglycans
Levels of dermal proteins (which contain moisture) decrease
The dermis will atrophy and contract
There is decreased activity of sweat glands and sebaceous glands
Blood vessel walls thin and blood supply to the extremities decreases.
(Wounds International 2018)
These changes, in tandem with reduced skin regeneration abilities and a weakened protective immune system, mean that an older adult’s skin integrity can be damaged by even a small amount of force (Wounds International 2018).
Risk Factors for Skin Tears
Factors that increase the risk of developing skin tears include:
Older age
Dry and fragile skin
Previous skin tears
Taking medications that cause skin thinning (e.g. steroids, immune-suppressives, anti-inflammatories, anticoagulants)
When caring for patients at risk of suffering skin tears, healthcare workers should take the following measures:
Keeping fingernails short
Not wearing jewellery
Padding or removing dangerous furniture or devices (e.g. bed rails, wheelchairs)
Covering the skin of vulnerable patients with appropriate clothing, shin guards or retention bandages/stockinettes
Using products that are pH balanced and have preventative emollients to maintain the patient’s skin integrity
Reducing the patient’s sun exposure
Minimising the frequency of the patient’s bathing, ensuring water is not too hot and gently patting their skin dry with a soft towel (instead of rubbing)
Regular moisturising.
(Wounds International 2018, 2020)
Identifying and Assessing Skin Tears
Correct and prompt identification of skin tears is essential in the effective management of the wound. A thorough examination of the skin tear as well as a holistic patient assessment (see above) should be performed upon presentation (Wounds International 2018).
The following should be documented as part of the skin tear assessment:
Prompt and appropriate treatment of skin tears improves patient outcomes. The goals of treatment are primarily to:
Preserve the skin flap
Protect the surrounding tissue
Re-approximate the edges of the wound (without excessive stretching)
Reduce the risk of further infection or injury.
(Wounds International 2018)
The process of treating skin tears is as follows:
1. Control any bleeding.
Apply pressure to the wound.
Elevate the affected limb if possible.
2. Cleanse the wound.
Remove residual debris or haematoma with a non-woven swab.
Cleanse the wound with warm, sterile isotonic saline (sodium chloride 0.9%) or water.
Gently pat the surrounding skin dry; the wound itself should be left to air dry.
3. Approximate the skin flap.
If the skin flap is viable (category 1 or 2), gently ease it back into place to use as a dressing (using a gloved finger, dampened cotton tip, tweezers or silicone strip).
If this is difficult, rehydrate the flap using a moistened non-woven swab for 5-10 minutes.
Do not excessively stretch the flap during approximation.
If the skin flap is non-viable or necrotic it should be debrided. Ensure this is performed by an experienced nurse.
If the skin flap is viable, gently ease it back into place to use as a dressing.
4. Dress the wound.
An appropriate non-adherent dressing should be chosen depending on the wound characteristics and classification. The chosen dressing should:
Maintain a moist healing environment
Protect the wound and surrounding skin from further trauma and dressing removal
Manage any exudate and/or infection
Be easy to apply
Be able to stay in-situ for a long period of time
Be cost-effective.
Apply the dressing, securing it with a non-adhesive silicone-interfaced dressing material (e.g. arm/leg protector, flexible netting).
Mark the dressing with an intended removal date and an arrow indicating the removal direction.
Films and tapes should not be used on fragile skin.
5. Monitoring and Reassessment
Leave the initial dressing in-situ for no longer than five days.
If the skin flap is pale, dusky or darkened, it should be reassessed within 24 to 48 hours.
The wound should be monitored for any infections or changes. If there is an infection or exudate present, the dressings should be changed more frequently.
If there is no sign of infection or deterioration after the initial dressing, subsequent dressings should be left in-situ for about five days.
If there is no improvement after four reassessments, refer the patient to a specialist.
(Wounds International 2018; VIC DoH 2022)
If skin tears are not properly treated, complications such as pain, delayed healing, infection, cellulitis or sepsis may arise (LeBlanc 2019).
If a skin tear does not heal within four weeks, it is considered chronic (Wounds International 2018).
Despite being common among older adults, skin tears are preventable and treatable. However, thorough patient assessment and the ability to recognise and categorise skin tears are essential.
Note: This article is intended as a refresher and should not replace best-practice care. Always refer to your facility's policy on preventing and managing skin tears.
Test Your Knowledge
Question 1 of 3
True or false: Most skin tears occur on the arms and hands.