This highly interactive Ausmed Course takes you through a real-life case study where you, the Clinical Detective, must investigate why certain diagnostic tests, observations, and procedures are undertaken.
As you move through the case study, you’ll be able to confirm or eliminate potential clinical problems. You will be asked a series of questions throughout the course to assist you with your findings.
Connect signs and symptoms from a patient’s presentation and history with a possible health condition.
Implement timely action based on interpretation of the data obtained from a comprehensive assessment of the patient.
Relate results from diagnostic tests that confirm a condition and immediate treatment recommended for the patient.
Identify expected outcomes for the patient related to the potential treatment and nursing management.
Registered nurses, registered midwives and other healthcare professionals working in primary health, community and acute settings.
We use critical thinking skills and professional judgment on a daily basis in our practice. It is important that we continue to revise and strengthen these skills to ensure that we are able to recognise and respond to deteriorating patients and changes to conditions in a timely manner.
The purpose of this Ausmed Course is to enhance your critical thinking, assessment, and problem-solving skills by working through a case study in order to identify and act on a common clinical condition.
Assign mandatory training and keep all your records in-one-place.
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