Karen Cusack was appointed Victoria’s inaugural health complaints commissioner in February 2017, to oversee the introduction of the Health Complaints Act 2016, which provides a process for complaints resolution about health services as well as processes for the investigation into health service providers who pose a risk to Victorians. Prior to heading up the office of the health complaints commissioner, Karen was corporate counsel of the Royal Women’s Hospital and has over 20 years’ experience as a senior lawyer. She has undertaken various postgraduate studies, including a Master of Laws from Monash University. Karen has held a number of board and statutory appointments and she is currently a member of the Disability Services Board and a board director of the Accident Compensation Conciliation Service. In 2017, Karen was appointed by the minister for health to an Expert Working Group advising on legislative reforms from "Targeting Zero: review of hospital safety and quality assurance in Victoria". Karen is passionate about the role she plays within the Victorian health sector.