Understanding Pain in Older People

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Anchor ExcellenceJul 2023

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Managing pain requires a comprehensive approach that includes medication, physical therapy and alternative therapies. Healthcare professionals must regularly assess pain levels and adjust treatment plans to provide optimal pain relief. Communication is also key, and caregivers should encourage open dialogue with the consumer to ensure their pain is adequately addressed.

As a result of the high incidence of pain in aged care settings or for those who choose to remain at home, it is vital to provide safe and quality care for older Australians.

PainChek® has partnered with Anchor Excellence to develop a pain management masterclass. The Advanced Pain Practitioner workshop provides healthcare professionals with skills and knowledge on understanding, assessing and managing pain in an aged care setting. Facilitated by pain and aged care experts, this three module virtual course will provide the skills to deliver quality care and improve outcomes for residents and patients. Sessions are available on-demand.

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