
We’re here for
Home and Community Care

Provide your staff with the tools and resources they need to deliver care that exceeds expectations of clients, families, and the Commission.

NDIS resource standards

Education mapped to the Aged Care Quality Standards

All Ausmed learning resources are mapped to the Aged Care Quality Standards, allowing you to easily address compliance requirements by assigning and reporting on learning relating to a particular standard.

One-click reporting

Easily download reports on staff training compliance. With Ausmed you can report by team, job role, facility or the Aged Care Quality Standards with just the touch of a button.

Built to support better client care

As the demand for home care services continues to rise, it's now more important than ever to ensure that your staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to provide the highest level of care to their clients.

Switch to Ausmed and gain access to our full range of aged care learning resources from the Ausmed Library™.

  • Dementia
  • Incident Report Writing
  • Elder Abuse
  • Infection Prevention and Control
  • Falls Prevention
  • Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS)
  • Mandatory Reporting
  • Many more...

‘Slips, trips, and falls are common in the home and community care sector. As a volunteer and educator in aged care, it's important that I pass on this knowledge to students.’

Elizabeth, Ausmed User
Commented on Falls: Psychosocial Care

Recognising sector-wide competencies and training

The Ausmed Passport™ is a free digital certificate for the Australian aged care workforce that enables sector-wide standardisation of eight core mandatory training areas.

Sign on to Recognise Ausmed Passport™

Australian Home and Community Care Workers choose Ausmed for ongoing education

‘Excellent information about duty of care and why it is so important, it will certainly assist me with my role in home care.’

Martha, Ausmed User
Duty of Care

‘This is a great module for PCAs and workers in home care. Your job , may involve showering or bathing a resident or client so the knowledge gained will assist you greatly.’

Elizabeth, Ausmed User
Supporting Activities of Daily Living: Showering and Bathing

‘Good resource, especially in aged care and home care nursing. Learned a lot.’

Annabele, Ausmed User
Managing Behavioural and Psychosocial Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD)

‘Well presented, I recommended this resource for all home care workers.’

Andrew, Ausmed User
LGBTIQ+ Awareness in Aged Care