
Ausmed is Continuously Improving

The latest releases to Ausmed's organisational learning products.

Shifting the Needle Beyond Compliance | 26 July 2023

At Ausmed, we strive to ensure our LMS is built for where the industry is going, not where it’s been. While we always want regulatory requirements to be easily met, we don’t want this to be at the expense of the personal and career growth of the people within your organisation.

We’ve just rolled out a number of upgrades to the Ausmed LMS which help shift the needle beyond just compliance.

Streamlining the L&D process

The first is an upgrade to the navigation of the Ausmed LMS. This represents our goal to align with the day-to-day processes and problems faced by L&D practitioners, which include:

  • Planning
  • Managing
  • Reporting

Some may be alarmed that compliance is no longer a main feature of our left-hand sidebar. But this is just the beginning of us looking towards a more comprehensive learning experience.

We understand that as an L&D department, you’re not just there to manage compliance; you’re also trying to support your staff on their career pathways, help them achieve their goals and inspire them to reach their full potential.

Say goodbye to cookie-cutter compliance

Your organisation's circumstances are unique. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to compliance and professional development. Something you define as a compliance requirement within your organisation, although potentially still important in another, may not affect the calculation that makes up their overall compliance rate.

We want to support your organisation’s needs as well as the individual needs within your organisation, not apply a cookie-cutter approach to everyone.

Our latest release introduces three different training types to support organisations in meeting their diverse range of needs:

  1. Mandatory Compliance - Eg. mandatory annual training plan including modules like bullying and harrassment, workplace health and safety or hand hygiene competency. Training that is required to be completed every year to ensure regulatory compliance.
  2. Mandatory (Non-Compliance) - Eg. the progression of a staff member to a medication competent role. It is mandatory for them to complete the training, and their progression doesn’t happen until it is complete, but your organisation’s compliance does not need to be reported on or tracked for this initial qualifying training.
  3. Optional (Non-Compliance) - Eg. leadership upskilling or communications training.

Please note: These examples are just provided to represent the differences between each type of training plan. We understand that these may not represent what is actually the case within your organisation.

To add a further layer of customisation to your organisation's compliance we have introduced Compliance Settings.

We’re handing over the keys for controlling the compliance logic when it comes to granting extensions. We all know that reporting can start to get a bit blurry if users continually leave modules incomplete and extensions need to be granted over and over again.

Greater control over your compliance reporting allows you to be confident that your reports are accurate, not padded or misleading in any way.

Introducing this setting enables you to determine what happens to your staff when an extension is granted. Do they remain compliant? Or, if the learning does contribute to their overall compliance status, do they move to non-compliant? You get to be the judge.

Unlocking more of your team's potential

Managing individual staff has gotten easier. We recognise the need to provide support to your staff on an individual level from both a compliance perspective and their further professional development.

You can now quickly view a user’s compliance status across learning and policies, their associated records, their Ausmed Passport™ status and their Training Plan enrollment. You can then take necessary actions across any of these areas.

The sum of all these upgrades signifies our commitment to going beyond just regulatory compliance and helping unlock the potential for more of a personalised and career-oriented growth program for staff.

If you have any questions, feedback or want to discover how you can unlock this power for your L&D department, please do reach out to us. We’d love to hear from you.

25 July 2023

Introducing the new Extended Requirements Report | 30 March 2023

We've added a new Extended Requirements report to the Ausmed LMS. You'll now be able to generate a report detailing all extended compliance requirements, how many times they were extended as well as how long for.

Who does this article apply to?

Introducing the new Extended Requirements Report

We are adding a new Extended Requirements report to the Report section of the Ausmed LMS.

This report will detail all extended compliance requirements. It will show how many times a requirement has been extended as well as how long they've been extended for.

Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 3.46.42 pm

The report can also be used to identify staff who have been granted many extensions via the extension history. Through the extension history modal, you'll be able to better understand when and why staff have been granted an extension.

To access this new report, simply login to the Ausmed LMS navigate to the Learning tab along the top menu and then click Reporting > Reports > Extended Requirements Report.

29 March 2023

Improvements to your Learning Dashboard | 28 Feb 2023

We've made some improvements to the Learning dashboard - allowing you to get better insights, faster!

Who does this article apply to?

Introducing your improved Learning Dashboard

The new Learning Dashboard will help ensure you stay on top of learning compliance, as well as allow you to take action quickly, where necessary.

  • You can view overall compliant & non compliant users with the graph below:
  • As well as the breakdown of user compliance via teams:
  • You'll be able to see the completion rates for the current month, next 30 days, this quarter and the last quarter

  • As well as a breakdown of all missed and overdue requirements in the last 12 months
  • You'll also be able to see a detailed breakdown of 'Training plan completion rates by team' which will give you a detailed breakdown of which teams are compliant in which training plans in your organisation
  • Finally you'll also be able to see a list of non-compliant users in your organisation, in which you can quickly navigate to the Compliance Workroom in order to action said users with a reminder or extension.

27 February 2023

New Policy Reports Added | 27 Feb 2023

We've added 3 new Policy Reports to the Policies Reporting section - allowing you to get better insights into your Policies!

Who does this article apply to? 

Introducing your new Policy Reports

We are adding 3 new Policy Reports to the Reports section of the Policy Management System.

Policy Report by Standards
This report represents the number of policies that were tagged to a selected Standard. You can click on each standard to inspect further details.

Policy Report by Users

This report will show you acknowledgement progress and records for each user in your organisation. You will be able to see total records, no. of acknowledged and no. of unacknowledged records.

Policy Report by Policies

This report will show you acknowledgement progress and records for each policy in your Policy Library.

26 February 2023

Improvements to your Policies Dashboard | 1 Feb 2023

We've made some improvements to the Policies dashboard - allowing to you get better insights, faster!

Who does this article apply to? 

Introducing your improved Policy Dashboard

The new Policies Dashboard will help ensure you stay on top of policy compliance, as well as allow you to take action quickly, where necessary.

  • You can view overall compliant & non compliant users with the graph below:
  • As well as the breakdown of user compliance via teams:

  • Use the dashboard to see how many policies you have active, drafted, due for review or past due.
  • You'll also be able to take quick action for non-compliant users - such as sending a reminder email to them to acknowledge any unacknowledged policies.
  • And finally you'll be able to see quickly at a glance; which policies are still currently in draft, ready to be edited.
  • As well as which policies are due for review.

To access the dashboard, simply click on Policies in the top menu.



31 January 2023

Keeping more accurate records with Notes and Files | 26 Jan 2023

Add evidence to your organisation's learning records explaining why the learning was completed, or demonstrating what learning took place and the outcomes

Who does this article apply to?

Introducing Notes and Files

Evidence in the form of notes and links to files can now be added to your organisation's internal learning records for audits and record keeping. 

Consider adding notes explaining why the learning took place and the outcomes achieved, or include web links to documents such as course certificates and competency assessments. You can add whatever type of evidence you would like! 

All you have to do is include evidence at the time of adding internal records or marking requirements as completed. And if you need to include evidence retrospectively, you can add it to existing records. 

Ready to use Notes and Files? Click here to learn more. 
Note: This feature is currently available to all LMS customers in beta mode, meaning it is still being tested and refined. We welcome your feedback on how we can improve the experience further! 

25 January 2023

Make better informed learning decisions with Surveys | 9 Jan 2023

Do you want to understand what drives your users to learn? The new Survey feature will help you make better informed decisions, backed by the feedback that your staff provide to you.

Who does this article apply to?

Introducing Surveys to the Ausmed LMS

Now available via the 'Your Library' section as a new 'Add Item' feature.
Organisation Managers will now be able to create custom-built surveys in order gather data and feedback from their users; in which they will be able to make purposeful and impactful decisions off the back of responses that come straight from their user base.


Some ways to use the Surveys feature: 

  • Self Assessment to understand gaps in an individual's practice.
  • Evaluation of education programs you or outside companies have run.
  • Quick audits of staff knowledge, or current processes to identify gaps that you can use training and education to address.
  • After an incident, you can assign a staff member or team a form to gather further information.
  • A place for general feedback from staff about desired training or support.

Ready to use Surveys? Click here to learn more

08 January 2023

Bring perspective with the Compliance Calendar I 15 Dec 2022

Who does this article apply to?

Do you need a better way to view and manage compliance requirements in the context of when they are due in the coming days and months? 

Introducing the Compliance Calendar 

Now available in beta mode for testing, the Compliance Calendar gives you a bird-eye view of compliance requirements due in a given year or month, while maintaining the ability to hone in on requirements due on a particular date. 

Narrow your focus even further by using filters to view requirements for individuals, groups and training items.

Some ways to use the Compliance Calendar: 

  • Never miss a due date. Remind staff about requirements before they are due.

  • Schedule face-to-face practical activities before requirement due dates.

  • Follow-up overdue or missed requirements from previous weeks or months.

Ready to use the Compliance Calendar? Click here to learn more. 

Note: This feature is currently available to all LMS customers in beta mode, meaning it is still being tested and refined. We welcome your feedback on how we can improve the experience further! 

14 December 2022

Updated practical activity types I 14 Dec 2022

Updated practical activity types I 14 Dec 2022

We've recently updated the types of practical activities supported in the LMS to better match the types of face-to-face training commonly provided by organisations. 

Next time you add a practical activity to your organisation's content library, you'll notice there are now just three types of activities to choose from:

  1. Competency
  2. In-Service
  3. Other

Once the activity is added, the activity type will be visible wherever you encounter the item type in the LMS. For example: 

If you need to, you can also filter your library by practical activity type. To do this, simply go to Learning, then to Your Library; click on Show Filters in the top left, and under Filters select the Practical Activity item type, then click Apply:

What does this update mean for existing practical activity types? 

Existing practical activities have been updated accordingly: 

Existing practical activity typeNew practical activity type
Conference In-service
Meeting Other

13 December 2022

Introducing Ausmed Passport™ I 07 Dec 2022

Who does this article apply to?

Officially announced at the Australian Aged and Community Care Providers National Conference 2022, the Ausmed Passport™ is a digital certificate for the Australian aged care workforce that enables sector-wide standardisation of eight core mandatory training areas.

Key benefits of Ausmed Passport™ for organisations include: 

  1. Fast track staff induction - save time during induction by recognising new-starters' previously completed mandatory training.
  2. Demonstrate continuous improvement - easily evidence your organisation's continuous improvement initiative to the ACQSC.
  3. Free of charge - the Ausmed Passport™ is 100% free for all providers, agency and catering staff, TAFEs and the entire aged care workforce.

Click here to learn more about Ausmed Passport™ or view these Frequently Asked Questions.

06 December 2022